quinta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2008

Playlist: Google Brazil (officials videos)

Description: Google Brazil

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

Playlist: With Google videos officials

Description: Big playlist With google officials videos
From: Google in youtube

segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

Playlist: English Grammar Lessons with Jennifer

Description: A playlist of all my grammar lessons to date.

Playlist English teacher Jennefer

Playlist: English Pronunciation Lessons with JenniferESL
Description: A playlist of all my pronunciation lessons to date.

Playlist Sunday Kitchen

Description: Sunday Kitchen is a show about food or drink. Every Sunday on The Daily English Show. Sunday Kitchen list: http://www.geocities.com/thedailyenglishshow/sundaykitchenlist.html

Playlist A Course in English Grammar

Description: A systematic survey of the principal components of English grammar, including parts of speech, phrases, clauses, and punctuation.

Playlist Brain Teasers

Description: List of my Brain Teasers

Playlist Basic Math Videos

Playlist: Basic Math Videos
Description: A playlist of my Basic Math Videos.

Playlist Political Science 179

Playlist: Political Science 179 - Spring 2008
Description: Political issues facing the state of California, the United States, or the international community. Instructor: Alan Ross

Playlist Integrative Biology 131

Description: Integrative Biology 131: General Human Anatomy. Fall 2005. Professor Marian Diamond. The functional anatomy of the human body as revealed by gross and microscopic examination.

Playlist SIMS 141- Search Engines

Description: Search Engines: Technology, Society, and Business. The World Wide Web brings much of the world's knowledge into the reach of nearly everyone with a computer and an internet connection. The availability of huge quantities of information at our fingertips is transforming government, business, and many other aspects of society.

Playlist Psychology 1: General Psychology

Description: Introduction to the principal areas, problems, and concepts of psychology

Playlist Law 271- Environmental Law and Policy

Description: Law 271 - Environmental Law and Policy - Spring 2008; Instructor Holly Doremus. This introductory course is designed to explore fundamental legal and policy issues in environmental law. Through examination of environmental common law and key federal environmental statutes, including the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act, it exposes students to the major challenges to environmental law and the principal approaches to meeting those challenges, including litigation, command and control regulation, technology forcing, market incentives, and information disclosure requirements. With the addition of cross-cutting topics such as risk assessment and environmental federalism, it also gives students a grounding in how choices about regulatory standards and levels of regulatory authority are made. http://www.law.berkeley.edu/students/curricularprograms/envirolaw/index.html
Spring 2008

Playlist Chemistry 3B

Description:Description: Chemistry 3B: Chemical Structure and Reactivity. Spring 2006. Professor Peter Vollhardt. Chemistry 3B represents the second semester of the standard organic chemistry series at UC Berkeley. It covers conjugation, aromatic chemistry, carbonyl compounds, carbohydrates, amines, carboxylic acids, amino acids, peptides, proteins, and nucleic acid chemistry. Ultraviolet spectroscopy and mass spectrometry will be introduced. Organic chemistry is a specific discipline within the subject of chemistry. It is the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen, which may contain any number of other elements, such as nitrogen,...

Playlista: Dicas de Internet

Description: tips on Internet in portuguese of Portugal. Production RTP

Playlista Os Contemporâneos (comedy from Portugal)

Description: comedy from Portugal production "rtp"

Playlist: A Hora de Baco (In Portuguese of Portugal)

Description: Portuguese wines. A Hora de Baco

Playlist: 50 YEARS OF RTP (In portuguese)

Os acontecimentos mais marcantes dos 50 anos de existência da RTP

Playlist from TeacherTube

Description: educational effectively use technology end the internet.

Playlist: Documentaries about CERN and Physics.

Description: Documentaries about CERN and Physics.

Playlist: Beyond Einstein World Wide Webcast

Description: A 12 hour tour of the World, through the major Particle Physics labs, to assess where we are today, 100 years after Einstein's discovery of the Theory of Relativity, which revolutionized Physics in 1905.

Playlist: The Voyage of Columbus

Description: A veteran space flier, Navy Cmdr. Stephen N. Frick, will command the STS-122 shuttle mission to deliver the European Space Agency's Columbus Laboratory to the International Space Station. Navy Cmdr. Alan G. Poindexter will serve as pilot. Mission specialists include Air Force Col. Rex J. Walheim, Stanley G. Love, Leland D. Melvin and European Space Agency astronaut Hans Schlegel. Poindexter, Love and Melvin (pictured left) will be making their first spaceflight. Expedition 16 Flight Engineer Daniel Tani, who is set to fly to the space station on the STS-120 mission, will return home with the STS-122 crew. STS-122 will deliver European Space Agency astronaut Léopold Eyharts to the complex. STS-122 is the 24th shuttle mission to the International Space Station.

Playlist Build the Station. Build the Future

Description: Like all shuttle missions, STS-118 is about the future: putting the International Space Station a step closer to completion and gathering experience that will help people return to the moon and go on to Mars. But this mission also will see a two decade-old dream realized and a vision of inspiration completed. Twenty-two years after first being selected as Christa McAuliffe's backup in the Teacher in Space Project, Barbara Morgan will strap into space shuttle Endeavour as a fully-trained astronaut. She is one of five mission specialists in the seven-member crew. Space Shuttle Endeavour's STS-118 mission is the 22nd shuttle flight to the International Space Station. It will continue space station construction by delivering a third starboard truss segment. U.S. Navy Commander Scott J. Kelly will command the seven-person crew of STS-118. U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col Charles O. Hobaugh will be Endeavour's pilot. Veteran astronauts Richard A. Mastracchio and Dr. Dafydd (Dave) Williams of the Canadian Space Agency will be returning to space for their second missions. Barbara R. Morgan, Tracy E. Caldwell, Ph. D., and Benjamin Alvin Drew round out the crew as mission specialists.
From:ReelNASA on Youtube

Playlist All Aboard! Station Goes Global

Description: STS-123 will see the delivery of the first section of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's new laboratory module, Kibo. Canada's new robotics system, the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, or Dextre, will also be delivered to the International Space Station. A veteran space flier, Navy Capt. Dominic L. Gorie, will command the STS-123 shuttle mission to deliver the Japanese Kibo Logistics Module and the Canadian Dextre robotics system to the International Space Station. Air Force Col. Gregory H. Johnson will serve as pilot. Mission specialists include Richard M. Linnehan, Air Force Maj. Robert L. Behnken, Navy Capt. Michael J. Foreman and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Takao Doi. Johnson, Behnken and Foreman will be making their first spaceflight. The mission will deliver NASA Astronaut Garrett Reisman to the complex and return European Space Agency astronaut Léopold Eyharts to Earth. STS-123 is the 25th shuttle mission to the International Space Station.
From: ReelNASA on Youtube

Playlist Google engEDU Tech Talks

Description: Lectures, meetings and conferences with engineers from Google and the community.

Playlist Google Mobile

Description: Google Mobile lets you get Search, Maps, Gmail and more anytime, anywhere. The Google Mobile Help channel will share videos that help you learn more about our products and how to use them. For more tutorials and help getting started with Google Mobile, please visit http://www.google.com/support/mobile

Google SketchUp

Description: This is the official source for online learning of Google, brought to you by the folks who make this wonderful software. Feel free to share these videos with others and leave us comments or suggestions for future videos. Enjoy!

Playlist Webmaster Tools

Playlist: Webmaster Tools
Description: Learn how to improve your visibility in Google's search results. http://www.google.com/webmasters/

Google Maps

Explore Google Maps and learn about new features! For help getting started, visit http://maps.google.com/support

Google Education Solutions

Learn about Google Apps Education Edition and other Google products for K-12 and higher education.

Google Earth

Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. For more tutorials and help getting started with Google Earth, please visit our Support site: http://earth.google.com/support

Google Conversion University

Presentations, clips, and instructional videos on using Google Analytics, Website Optimizer, and AdWords to improve your marketing and website.

Google Apps

Learning English

English grammar for kids

English for Kids

segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2008


Aulas de Inglês em português

Arabic Languages